Chatting | Chatdesk

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Chat rooms are the best way to spend your valuable time and communicate your thoughts and feelings with others, Chat rooms have been used for socialize with friends and strangers. You can communicate and express your chat conversation through one-on-one chat or main chat rooms, who is willing have healthy conversation and healthy bonding they may use chat rooms and they can interact with visitors quickly. We do have Telugu Chat Room, Kannada Chat Room, Hindi Chat Room, Tamil Chat Room , English Chat Room , Kerala Chat Room you can register and choose your desired language.

Manage Profile
User can manager his/her profile, once users login using registered nick, they can set profile picture, covers picture, chat text, chat font, nick colors etc., upon their mood they can set their mood messages, also they can set status as online, away, busy etc., for profile they can add gif files.

Chat rooms provide a secure location for you and your friends throughout a website to meet and brainstorm. Since chat rooms and you can be restricted based on user private chat option, you can set as only selected specific users or communicate with you personally. If you are not interested to see selected people conversation you can put them into ignore list, if admin and owners not available you can choose message and click on report, once we are back we will take action.

Healthy Conversation
We suggest you to have healthy conversation and healthy talk with friends and strongly suggest don’t not share any personal information with strangers, If you can’t be sure other people are being honest, if you come to know they are fake If you are feeling vulnerable you can report to admins or owners we will take immediate actions on this.

Emotionally Support
Live chat rooms are becoming more common this is the way to provide instant answers to stranger’s communication. If you really connected with friends they are really emotionally support for you, you are sick and mentally upset you can have healthy conversation with friends, Due to covid-19 or Corona all are working from home this chat room provide you great opportunity to build your friendship chain and keeps you happy.

Productive and Valuable time

If you are spending time it should be productive and valuable to you and others, we strongly believe that having good friends around the world is great and god gift, you can speak any topic and you can do debate, also we do have quiz room  you can spend with quiz room. We do have talent hunt, talent hunt is a platform where you can upload your talents for public.  Also we are planning to launch digital story books for our chatters.

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